Corporate Governance Committee
The Group set up a corporate governance committee with written terms of reference. The members of the committee include Mr. Ka Chun Michael Wong, Mr. Chung Hong Mak and Mr. Siu Wah Chung.
The committee is primarily responsible for developing and reviewing policies and practices on corporate governance and making recommendations to the Board of Directors, and reviewing and monitoring the training and continuous professional development of the directors and senior management of our Group.
Audit Committee
The Group set up an audit committee in accordance with Rule 3.21 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd (“Listing Rules“). and Appendix 14 Corporate Governance Code (“CG Code“). The members of the committee include Mr. Chung Hong Mak, Mr. Siu Wah Chung and Ms. Ka Lai Vanessa Chan.
The committee is primarily responsible for the appointment, re-appointment and removal of external auditors of our Group. The committee also helps the review of the Group‘s financial data, supervision of the Group‘s financial reporting system, risk management and internal control systems.
Remuneration Committee
The Group set up a remuneration committee in accordance with Rule 3.25 of the Listing Rules and the CG Code. The members of the committee include Mr. Chung Hong Mak, Mr. Siu Wah Chung and Ms. Ka Lai Vanessa Chan.
The committee is primarily responsible for the policy and structure of the remuneration of all directors and senior management of the Group. It also makes the recommendations to the Board of Directors on the establishment of formal and transparent procedures to formulate the remuneration and compensation policies of individual executive directors and senior management.
Nomination Committee
The Group set up a nomination committee in accordance with the CG Code. The members of the Committee include Mr. Chung Hong Mak, Mr. Siu Wah Chung and Ms. Ka Lai Vanessa Chan.
The committee is primarily responsible for making recommendations to the board of Directors on any proposed changes to the Board to complement the Group‘s corporate strategies.